Wednesday 26 April 2017

Investment Advisor Minneapolis | When can I afford to retire?

Investment Advisor Minneapolis | When can I afford to retire?

Investment Advisor Minneapolis 
Hi. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner with Assured Retirement Group. I want to talk to you about a question that a lot of people have and they want to know when they can retire or can they afford to retire. Now the question is a little bit more difficult to answer than yes or no.

Investment Advisor Minneapolis 

Investment Advisor Minneapolis
 I'll start with an article that the Wall Street Journal just came out with recently and that was the illusion of wealth and the illusion of poverty. What happened was there was a question about whether a million dollars was enough to retire around or would you rather have $5,000 of income per month. Now the illusion is that the million dollars is an illusion of wealth and the $5,000 a month is an illusion of poverty. What you really need to do when it comes to figuring out when you can afford to retire is actually combine those two things together and then you will no longer have an illusion.
 Now most retirement plans when you go online, the calculators that you have actually don't show you if you do have enough income to retire. Here's what you need to do to figure out if you can afford to retire.
Investment Advisor Minneapolis

 Number one is figure out your spending. Are you going to be spending the same amount that you are today as you are in retirement or is it going to be less? Now one good way to figure out if you want to maintain your lifestyle in retirement is to really understand that you're going to be spending the same amount that you are today and sometimes more.
To know more click here:
Investment Advisor Minneapolis

Friday 21 April 2017

What is Retirement Income Planning || Minneapolis Financial Planner|| 5 ...

What is Retirement Income Planning:

What is Retirement Income Planning :What is Retirement Income Plan in 5 Easy Steps| Minneapolis Financial Planner 
What is Retirement Income Planning
Hi. Vince Oldre here again to talk to you about what is income planning. Income planning is different than what it was for you when you first started working. I'm talking about income planning when it comes to retirement.

What is Retirement Income Planning
We now have to figure out how to distribute all these assets that you've now accumulated. The basis of retirement is that you cannot have a retirement, or you cannot retire without income. That's why income planning is all that more important in retirement.
There's three things, or three levels that I believe that you need to have when it comes to your income planning. One is you need to have the income to maintain your lifestyle. 
I know most of you, if you are a baby boomer, or a pre-retiree, or someone that's already retired, you want to make sure that you can have that same amount of income that you've been able to have throughout your entire life. 

What is Retirement Income Planning
That way, you can maintain your lifestyle and do the things you want to do, still gift to your grandchildren, or you children and do those trips that you like to do, maybe travel the world, or golf. It's important to have that income when you retire to maintain your lifestyle. I hope, for everyone that's watching this video, is able to maintain their income, or maintain their lifestyle when they retire.
What you need to do to make sure you can have enough income is first understand how much you are spending. Believe it or not, a lot of you do not know how much you're actually spending every year.
First, calculate how much you're spending. Then you'll have a better idea of how much you need in retirement as far as how much income you need every single year.
Now that we have your income covered to maintain your lifestyle, the next thing that I have as far as a retirement bucket, or for an income bucket is your reserve. The reserve bucket needs to be there for any type of unexpected event such as maybe we have to replace a roof, maybe buy a new car. Maybe we have to help someone that if we have a medical, or a health event we might need to have cash available. As long as we have some reserve, that's great. 
What is Retirement Income Planning
The next bucket is our legacy. If we have our income covered, then we can take a little bit more risk with our reserve bucket. The rest of our assets that we plan on leaving to our children, or to our beneficiaries, or maybe to charity, we might be able to take a little bit more risk with. That's because it's our legacy bucket. We may or may not really need that for income when we are in retirement.
Now that we have our three buckets, our income for now, our reserve bucket, and then our legacy bucket, we have to think about how we're going to allocate those funds based on our risk.
If we want our income to be there for the rest of our lives, we might want to take very little risk with the income that we need to maintain our lifestyle. We can take a little bit more risk with the reserve bucket and maybe even a little bit more on our legacy bucket depending on what your risk tolerance is.
Before you make any of these changes to your own retirement plan, as always, I recommend that you meet with a financial advisor that can help you with this. If you have any questions when it come to retirement, please feel free to email us, or leave us a message here. 
If you want to attend one of our complimentary educational workshops, you're more than welcome to. Just go to our web site and look at our events page. You can sign up for one of our complimentary workshops. Until then, I'll look forward to talk to you next time.If you are looking for our disclosure, you can find it here -

Address :
3800 American Boulevard West # 1275
Minneapolis, MN 55431
Phone +1 952-657-7470

Sunday 16 April 2017

Minneapolis Retirement Advisor

Minneapolis Retirement Advisor

There are three things I believe you need to do to maintain happiness in retirement. After visiting with plenty of clients being in or near retirement, there are three things that always keep coming up repeatedly. The first thing is to keep busy. They say you'll want four different hobbies to maintain your happiness in retirement. If you're planning on going to retire and you will do nothing more than likely you will be unhappy inside retirement. Make sure you keep busy.
3 Retirement Tips
Number two is to stay in touch. Now, that sounds pretty easy to do, but visitors as you go along as you get older you may well lose touch with some friends. Some friends might pass apart, your family may not be around, they might live in numerous areas of the country, but it's very important to be in touch. That's another reason why if you stay in touch you can actually keep busier as well. That's why you need to ensure you keep in touch with people like your family, your friends as well as other loved ones.
Last but not least is your retirement revenue. Everybody is worried about running out of money in old age and I don't blame you. To have a written retirement income plan down will allow you to become more confident in retirement and also make you more content. If you have enough income sources to maintain your life-style in retirement, you will maintain your happiness in retirement.
In the event you cover all three of those things, make sure you retain busy, find at least four different hobbies before you can easily retire, number two stay in touch and number three ensure you have a written down retirement income plan that will sustain your lifestyle. Until then we'll see you next time.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Best Minneapolis Financial Planner | 5 Reasons Retirement Calculators Fail 

The third reason why they're not always the best or why it could fail is because of inflation. We have to make assumptions on inflation when we're using the retirement calculators, but some calculators don't even have inflation adjusted numbers. You have to be careful with inflation and make sure that if you are using a retirement calculator and it's going to tell you what your income is that point in time, keep in mind as you go along in retirement you might not have inflation adjusted numbers. You want to make sure that your social security, your retirement calculator's not too simple, and you want to make sure that inflation's added into it. To know more info contract with Best Minneapolis Financial Planner

Friday 7 April 2017

How to set up your YouTube Channel and Why Is It important

How to set up your youtube channel:

In this video, we're going to go over how to set up your YouTube channel and why it's important. 
I have my channel up right now. You can see there's a few things that I've done to it that I want you guys to go out there and do to your YouTube channels. Treat YouTube as an extension of your website. You want to brand it. You want to have links out to your website. You want to use it as an asset. A lot of companies set up their YouTube channel and they just don't use it like they need to. I want to show you how to set up a youtube channel , and then why it's important.
First thing you want to do is get your icons, get your branding, get your logos, get your value proposition. Don't just throw up any old image here. Here's the difference: you have this channel right here that's all set up, or you can take a look at this channel that is not. You'd be surprised how many big companies have their channels that just are not set up.
"How to set up your youtube channel "

How to set up your youtube channel:

First thing you want to do is hook up your website. Over here you can see I have a link to my website, I have a link to my social media. You'll want to do that. You can do that by just editing. There's a little icon that will pop up when you're logged in, and you can edit your links. Make sure you have your channel art up, have your value proposition there, and then also a link out. That's first things.
"How to set up your youtube channel"
Next thing you can do is jump over into your channel, and here you will find ... You have to go to video manager. Over on the left-hand side of your channel there's a bunch of options that you want to take advantage of. In your advanced, you can link up your AdWords account, then you can link up your associated website. On top of that, you have channel recommendations, subscriber account. There's branding, do that. Featured content, you'll want to fill all this out. Upload defaults, this can just save you time if you want to have the same hashtags or have the same social media links. Then status feature, there's a few things you'll want to do in here. That is how you set up correctly. 
Now remember, when you upload your videos ... Let's go to this one. Make sure you have a good title tag, make sure you have a good description, make sure you have the right keyword tags. When you upload a video, if you don't fill these things out and do it correctly, it's kind of a waste. You might as well take advantage of it. Something that came out in the last little bit are what's called these end screen annotations. You can set up an end screen, like if you just go over here and click and say, okay, I want another video to pop up. You can put create, let Google choose it, create element, and then you'll have an end screen popup. Got it? That's something you can do, and it works on mobile. Before, annotations only worked on desktop. Now they work on mobile. Take advantage of all that.
"How to set up your youtube channel "
Now let's recap. First thing you want to do is make sure your channel has ... I'm not going to save that right now. Make sure your channel has the icon, cover photos, all your links. When you upload a video, use the right title tag, description tags. On top of that, underneath your channel on video manager ... If you go to video manager, you have these options over here that you might as well take advantage of: the featured content, branding and advance. Got it?
If you have any questions, we're around. You can go check out our website,, or if you're looking for an animation video. I also provide a lot of other tutorial videos that are based off of video marketing. Got it?
Thanks for listening. Subscribe to our channel. Let us know what you would like if we're not shooting something that you're trying to find the answers to.