Saturday 12 August 2017

Federal prison camp

Life at Pekin Federal Prison Camp (Thomson Prison Camp) :

Federal Prison Camp:

Federal prison camp

I'm proud to interview my friend and client Jim Vani, who thrived through a 42-month sentence at Pekin Federal Prison Camp. Learn how Jim navigated his sentence, nurtured his relationship, avoided problems and prepared for his successful release. - 818-424-2220
Visit to access our federal prison blogs

Phone : - +1 818-424-2220

23679 Calabasas Rd, Suite 905

Calabasas, CA 91302 California

Jim Vani is now working in Chicago as a successful entrepreneur. He is also helping prepare White Collar Advice clients who are pursuing the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). As you will hear in this video, Jim successfully completed RDAP and earned 18 months off his sentence.

Jim worked incredibly hard and he has earned all of the good things coming his way. Follow his lead: take action, prepare and thrive. I am grateful to have played a small role in his success.

To read Jim's prison blogs, simply visit:

If you would like to speak with me, please call or text 818-424-2220. If you would like to prepare for prison in privacy, download my free book, Lessons From Prison. Simply text LIBERTY to 44222.

I hope you find this video useful. Work hard and I wish you all well.

Justin Paperny
Author of Lessons From Prison & Ethics in Motion
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Hi everyone. I'm Jim. No, no. I'm not Jim. Sorry. Hi everyone. I'm Justin Paperny and I'm here with my client and very good friend, Jim [Vanney 00:00:10]. How are you, bud?
Jim Vanney: Good, and I'm Jim Vanney. How are you, everybody?
Justin Paperny: Yes, yes. Actually, this is the second go around of my video with Jim. Last time we couldn't do it because Jim was using, I think, a technology service from the 1970's, but Jim, we appear to be ready to, are we ready to go today?
Jim Vanney: I upgraded my internet connection here so I think we're a little smoother than last time.
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Excellent, excellent. So Jim and I have worked together for more than three years. He served his time at Pekin Federal Prison Camp. Before we get into Pekin, Jim and I were working with a client together who just got re-designated from Pekin to Thomson Federal Prison Camp in Illinois. So for those of you watching, there's a chance if you ask for Pekin you may get it or you can get redesignated. Isn't that correct, Jim?
Jim Vanney: That's right. The rumors are they're converting it over back into a women's facility so if that's the case then you will not be going to Pekin.
Justin Paperny: Keep that in mind for those of you requesting prison designations in Illinois. So Jim, before we get into Pekin, can you quickly tell the viewers how you found me and a little bit about why you chose to work with me?
Jim Vanney: Definitely can, Justin. Well, it all started off with being this ... In a total chaos. I was upside down, my life was going down a hill. I was lost. I didn't know where I was going. I went to trial. Spent over a week in trial. And after that happened I went looking for answers, of course through the almighty Google, and next thing you know I find prison consultant. Never heard of it before. I came across a few different companies. A couple didn't answer, a couple didn't call back. I had one individual that did call me back. He was really aggressive. It was more of we're gonna fight the system together and if you get thrown in the SHU I'll help you get out.
 It scared me more than anything. Then I found yourself, Justin. And the first phone call was uplifting, it was positive. It really fit myself and it fit what I wanted to do. I wanted to do something with this time and you were able to open that door for me and lead me in that direction. You give the plan and there was a guide to follow and that really helped a lot.
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Well, I'm happy to hear that. For those watching, Jim worked incredibly hard and we also spent some time together, which is pretty awesome even though I'm in Los Angeles and Jim is in Chicago. I was a keynote speaker at an Allstate conference in Chicago at their headquarters and Jim actually picked me up. We went to like a Dunkin' Donuts if I recall, and we prepared together for a couple of hours before I gave my keynote address at Allstate. That was a pretty cool experience.
Jim Vanney: That was great.
Justin Paperny: Okay, so let's jump right in. Tell us a little bit about Pekin and where is Pekin Federal Prison Camp?

 Federal Prison Camp

Thursday 29 June 2017

Do My Sentencing Preparations Really Matter? (federal prison camp)

Sentencing Preparations:


I want to do this video, in part, because I received a call this morning from a defendant in North Carolina, actually not far from Wake Forest University, where I've done some speaking in the past. This defendant called after watching a video I filmed last year called 10 Ways to Get More Time in Prison and in that video I talked about if you don't accept responsibility, or disclose your substance abuse, or if you continue to spend really aggressively, if you owe restitution, if you don't engage in volunteer work, if you don't work openly with your lawyer, so I identified 10 things that I think could lead to a longer term in prison. 

This defendant said to me, "Look I'm not doing a lot of these things that you talk about, but here's my concern. I'm not sure that it's going to work." He had said that to me after I suggested that he engage my colleague, Michael Santos, who does a lot of the narrative writing for my clients. I said, "What do you mean that it won't work?" He said, "Well, my concern is that I cultivate my network, that I get character reference letters, that I work with you and Michael on a narrative, that I save up to pay some restitution and so on, and that it doesn't work. And that the day that the judge sentences me, none of it means anything. And all of that work is for naught." 
So we have to embrace some realities. Here are some realities. You're only going to get sentenced once, so to a degree it's impossible to know exactly what could happen, because you're only going to get sentenced once. So I told this defendant and I tell all of you, it should be your goal that as you stand up before the judge, that you're able to tell yourself and your family, "There's nothing more I could have done to prepare for this moment, regardless of what the number might be," because I would never guarantee or insinuate that a specific outcome will happen by doing this work. I believe that better things will come from cultivating your network, from generating best in class character reference letters, through expressing through your own efforts why you're worthy of the best outcome. I believe volunteer work, in giving back to your community, shows that it's more than just about you and I believe and have done this long enough to know that those efforts have certainly helped a number of our clients, and frankly, people that aren't my clients who don't come across my work, some defendants really do these things. 
But again, I told him, and I told all of you, you can choose to do nothing because you're convinced that it won't matter and indeed there were a number of really great guys in prison who would say, "Justin, the judges don't read your letters, the judge's mind is made up, the day of sentencing I don't think he reads the sentencing memorandums, the letters. I don't think volunteer work matters. I think it's very much a formality." There are a number of people in prison who will say that to you. This defendant this morning was alluding to that. He was looking for me to tell him something that would give him a greater level of comfort. 
Sentencing Preparations 
Look, I've had clients say to me that I could be maybe more aggressive in expressing the benefits of preparing, that's just not really my style. I'm very causal, I offer advice, but I don't aggressively say, "Hire me, hire me, hire me." I just don't do that. So I said to him, "You have to use your judgment. You have to decide if creating this narrative, of expressing to the judge who you are, of articulating the lessons learned, of growing your network and asking them to write letters on your behalf is in your interest. If scaling back your lifestyle a bit, so your pre-sentence report shows that, you know, you are committed to paying back some restitution, if making a restitution payment could help you. I believe making a restitution payment can help you, there's so guarantee. I've gotten [peat 04 : 09 ] calls from people who have paid back nine million in restitution, they still get eight years in prison."
Sentencing Preparations
Source :

Saturday 20 May 2017

First Day in Federal Prison (for Prison Wives)|| Federal Prison Time ||Your first day in PRISON.

First Day in Federal Prison:

First Day in Federal Prison Still, imprisonment can be harder on those that love and support us, including our wives. For that reason, Ro Clausen and I proudly share a video that addresses how prison wives can both prepare for and thrive through that{ first day in federal prison.}
To view our private video, 10 Things You Have To Know If Your Husband Is Going To Prison, 

Also read Ro's awesome{ first day in prison} blog here:

Ro and I hope you find value in the video. for a free copy of Lessons From Prison. - 818-424-2220 

Visit to access our federal prison blogs

Visit for our lesson plan on the first day in federal prison

Phone  : -  +1 818-424-2220

23679 Calabasas Rd, Suite 905

Calabasas, CA 91302 California


First Day in  Federal Prison

Thursday 11 May 2017

Life In Miami Federal Prison Camp

Life In Miami Federal Prison Camp:
Justin Paperny speaks with Michael Szafranski to learn about life at Miami Federal Prison Camp. 

Justin Paperny: Hi everyone. I'm Justin Paperny with White Collar Advice, and I'm pleased to welcome my friend and colleague Michael Szafranksi to the program. 

Hey bud.
Michael S.: Hey Justin.
Justin Paperny: Let's jump right in with your experience through Miami Federal Prison Camp. You wrote a guest blog on the White Collar Advice site. I'm going to put up a link to the blog, but in that blog, you said, "Miami is different than a lot of another federal prison camps."
Miami Federal Prison
What did you mean?
Michael S.: Well, Miami itself just outside of the world of prison sort of operates on its own set of rules. It's certainly South America within the United States. On top of that, when you get to the prison itself, you're a population that is less white collar than many of the other prison camps plus the fact that it's attached to a low security prison means a lot of inmates transition relatively early on from the low to the camp, so you have a population that's different, and as a result of that, you have different stringencies imposed on the inmates by staff.
Justin Paperny: Okay, so we'll get into those stringencies in a minute. Let's first talk about how you got to the federal prison camp in Miami. The majority of my clients, our clients, self surrender to prison, but on occasion, they're remanded to custody in part because of the case or the judge. Tell us how you actually got to the federal prison camp.
Miami Federal Prison
Michael S.: I ended up with a judge who does not believe in surrendering. He believes that you're going to get remanded at sentencing, so for my sentencing, I was actually transferred to the Federal Detention Center in downtown Miami where I remained for four weeks, and that's basically a medium security prison [inaudible 00:01:43].
Justin Paperny: Did they tell you how long it could take from being in that holding facility to actually getting to the camp, and did you know that Miami would be your ultimate destination?
Michael S.: They said it could take up to three months, but the judge did recommend that I be designated to Miami.
Justin Paperny: Some clients of mine who have endured time in transit, while it's been tough, once they ultimately get to the federal prison camp, find the experience in camp to be easier, because they have that alternative reality in transit. Did you find that to be the case when you got to the camp?
Miami Federal Prison
Michael S.: In retrospect, yeah. When I got to the camp, I had been already inside for four weeks. I hadn't seen any sunshine. I knew what real prison time was like. I was so thrilled to be actually outdoors to have certain freedoms that were taken from me that I think that my time inside may have been easier, because I didn't have to surrender directly to the camp, but I knew how much worse it could be, and then in the camp, I was appreciative of the privileges they give you as a prisoner in a camp versus what you can be subjected to in real prison so to speak.
Miami Federal Prison
Justin Paperny: Let's talk quickly about some of the things you surrendered with or you brought with you to the day of your sentencing and how bringing medical issues or prescriptions could impact your bunk or your job et cetera. Give us some advice for Miami Federal Prison Camp, some specifics that defendants should bring with them whether they're getting remanded at sentencing or they're going directly to the facility.
Michael S.: Well, if you're surrendering directly to Miami or maybe any facility, one of the hot commodities there is having a lower bunk, and those are generally reserved for people with medical issues, so if you have a back issue or a knee issue or anything that impairs your ability to climb up to a higher bunk, you need to bring that with you, because it's not that there's a ladder to climb up. You have to physically push yourself up with a locker and pull yourself up to the upper bunk.
Miami Federal Prison

Sunday 7 May 2017

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and Financial Advisor :
. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner here to talk to you about the differences between if you're working with an investment advisor, insurance agent, or a financial advisor. Now, the hard part with our industry is that most of us call ourselves, "Financial advisors," so how can you determine which one is better for you? How do you know when you're looking online, are you working with a financial advisor, or if you're working with an investment advisor, or a insurance agent? 
Minneapolis Investment Advisor:
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Some of the key differences here that you might find when you're speaking with someone as a financial advisor, is that they might only sell certain products, or they sell only certain investments. Now, if you're meeting with an insurance agent what you'll find is that the only product that they'll be offering you to help with your retirement, is either life insurance, long term care, or annuities. Now, that doesn't mean those are bad products, but in my opinion usually, they're kind of forced down into your retirement plan, instead of looking at how those things might be better for you. They're not really looking at should you have these things versus other investments like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, or exchange rate funds. They're saying the life insurance annuities, the long term care, the only thing that's for you, and you should stay away from the rest of them.
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Minneapolis Investment Advisor

Minneapolis Investment Advisor :
Now, if you're meeting with an investment advisor, typically what we find is that you're only going to get the investment options available to you, such as stock, bonds, mutual funds, in exchange for your funds, and sometimes variable annuities. Now, what we know what that side is that those assets could be rather more ... Those investments could be more risky. That's where you want to be a little bit more careful when you're picking your financial advisor. Are they just going to offer you investment vehicles to keep you in the market, are they really going to protect you when it comes to your retirement planning, or are they going to put something together for you? 

Now in my opinion, what a financial advisor does is they put all those products out there for you, and based on your plan they will determine which one's to use for your own retirement plan. That's why I think it's important to find a financial advisor that will work with all products that are out there, and not have a bias toward one or another, because when it comes to your retirement plan, it's going to be different than any person that comes in that door, that you might visit with.

When it comes to trying to find a financial advisor, in my opinion anyone that's going to look at your goals, or needs, and desires first, is the right first step because your needs, your goals, and desires will help dictate what things to use within your plan. Once we have that plan available, a written retirement plan, and a written down income plan, and estate plan, then we can start putting the right tools into it. Whether it be life insurance, annuities, long term care. Or other types of investments like stocks, or bonds, mutual funds, exchange trader funds, or maybe real estate investment trust. All those things need to be put into the plan after you figure out what your needs, your goals, and desires are.
Determine for yourself are you working with an insurance agent, an investment advisor, or actually working with a financial advisor that can do all those things. Last but not least, as a certified financial planner, we can actually design retirement plans without having to get paid by the investments. If you want to make sure you're working with someone that has a fiduciary duty, that's going to look out for your interest before their own, sometimes working with someone that's just going to be working on a basis where they're going to put a plan together for you, instead of being incentivized by other products that are out there, provided by the mutual fund company, or provided by the insurance carrier, it might make more sense for you. One of the things you can do, is you can go to CFP.Net, which stands for, "Certified Financial Planner," and you can search all the different certified financial planners that are in your area. It will tell you how they're going to get paid if you decide to work with them. The other thing you could do is do a FINRA check, it's called FINRA, F-I-N-R-A, broker check. You can just type in, "Broker check," in Google, and it will pop up, and you can put that persons name in there. It will give you all the background information on them if they've had any disciplinary action.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and...

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and Financial Advisor

Hi. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner here to talk to you about the differences between if you're working with an investment advisor, insurance agent, or a financial advisor. Now, the hard part with our industry is that most of us call ourselves, "Financial advisors," so how can you determine which one is better for you? How do you know when you're looking online, are you working with a financial advisor, or if you're working with an investment advisor, or a insurance agent? 

Minneapolis Investment Advisor

Some of the key differences here that you might find when you're speaking with someone as a financial advisor, is that they might only sell certain products, or they sell only certain investments. Now, if you're meeting with an insurance agent what you'll find is that the only product that they'll be offering you to help with your retirement, is either life insurance, long term care, or annuities. Now, that doesn't mean those are bad products, but in my opinion usually, they're kind of forced down into your retirement plan, instead of looking at how those things might be better for you. They're not really looking at should you have these things versus other investments like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, or exchange rate funds. They're saying the life insurance annuities, the long term care, the only thing that's for you, and you should stay away from the rest of them.
Minneapolis Investment Advisor :

Now, if you're meeting with an investment advisor, typically what we find is that you're only going to get the investment options available to you, such as stock, bonds, mutual funds, in exchange for your funds, and sometimes variable annuities. Now, what we know what that side is that those assets could be rather more ... Those investments could be more risky. That's where you want to be a little bit more careful when you're picking your financial advisor. Are they just going to offer you investment vehicles to keep you in the market, are they really going to protect you when it comes to your retirement planning, or are they going to put something together for you? 

Now in my opinion, what a financial advisor does is they put all those products out there for you, and based on your plan they will determine which one's to use for your own retirement plan. That's why I think it's important to find a financial advisor that will work with all products that are out there, and not have a bias toward one or another, because when it comes to your retirement plan, it's going to be different than any person that comes in that door, that you might visit with.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Investment Advisor Minneapolis | When can I afford to retire?

Investment Advisor Minneapolis | When can I afford to retire?

Investment Advisor Minneapolis 
Hi. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner with Assured Retirement Group. I want to talk to you about a question that a lot of people have and they want to know when they can retire or can they afford to retire. Now the question is a little bit more difficult to answer than yes or no.

Investment Advisor Minneapolis 

Investment Advisor Minneapolis
 I'll start with an article that the Wall Street Journal just came out with recently and that was the illusion of wealth and the illusion of poverty. What happened was there was a question about whether a million dollars was enough to retire around or would you rather have $5,000 of income per month. Now the illusion is that the million dollars is an illusion of wealth and the $5,000 a month is an illusion of poverty. What you really need to do when it comes to figuring out when you can afford to retire is actually combine those two things together and then you will no longer have an illusion.
 Now most retirement plans when you go online, the calculators that you have actually don't show you if you do have enough income to retire. Here's what you need to do to figure out if you can afford to retire.
Investment Advisor Minneapolis

 Number one is figure out your spending. Are you going to be spending the same amount that you are today as you are in retirement or is it going to be less? Now one good way to figure out if you want to maintain your lifestyle in retirement is to really understand that you're going to be spending the same amount that you are today and sometimes more.
To know more click here:
Investment Advisor Minneapolis

Friday 21 April 2017

What is Retirement Income Planning || Minneapolis Financial Planner|| 5 ...

What is Retirement Income Planning:

What is Retirement Income Planning :What is Retirement Income Plan in 5 Easy Steps| Minneapolis Financial Planner 
What is Retirement Income Planning
Hi. Vince Oldre here again to talk to you about what is income planning. Income planning is different than what it was for you when you first started working. I'm talking about income planning when it comes to retirement.

What is Retirement Income Planning
We now have to figure out how to distribute all these assets that you've now accumulated. The basis of retirement is that you cannot have a retirement, or you cannot retire without income. That's why income planning is all that more important in retirement.
There's three things, or three levels that I believe that you need to have when it comes to your income planning. One is you need to have the income to maintain your lifestyle. 
I know most of you, if you are a baby boomer, or a pre-retiree, or someone that's already retired, you want to make sure that you can have that same amount of income that you've been able to have throughout your entire life. 

What is Retirement Income Planning
That way, you can maintain your lifestyle and do the things you want to do, still gift to your grandchildren, or you children and do those trips that you like to do, maybe travel the world, or golf. It's important to have that income when you retire to maintain your lifestyle. I hope, for everyone that's watching this video, is able to maintain their income, or maintain their lifestyle when they retire.
What you need to do to make sure you can have enough income is first understand how much you are spending. Believe it or not, a lot of you do not know how much you're actually spending every year.
First, calculate how much you're spending. Then you'll have a better idea of how much you need in retirement as far as how much income you need every single year.
Now that we have your income covered to maintain your lifestyle, the next thing that I have as far as a retirement bucket, or for an income bucket is your reserve. The reserve bucket needs to be there for any type of unexpected event such as maybe we have to replace a roof, maybe buy a new car. Maybe we have to help someone that if we have a medical, or a health event we might need to have cash available. As long as we have some reserve, that's great. 
What is Retirement Income Planning
The next bucket is our legacy. If we have our income covered, then we can take a little bit more risk with our reserve bucket. The rest of our assets that we plan on leaving to our children, or to our beneficiaries, or maybe to charity, we might be able to take a little bit more risk with. That's because it's our legacy bucket. We may or may not really need that for income when we are in retirement.
Now that we have our three buckets, our income for now, our reserve bucket, and then our legacy bucket, we have to think about how we're going to allocate those funds based on our risk.
If we want our income to be there for the rest of our lives, we might want to take very little risk with the income that we need to maintain our lifestyle. We can take a little bit more risk with the reserve bucket and maybe even a little bit more on our legacy bucket depending on what your risk tolerance is.
Before you make any of these changes to your own retirement plan, as always, I recommend that you meet with a financial advisor that can help you with this. If you have any questions when it come to retirement, please feel free to email us, or leave us a message here. 
If you want to attend one of our complimentary educational workshops, you're more than welcome to. Just go to our web site and look at our events page. You can sign up for one of our complimentary workshops. Until then, I'll look forward to talk to you next time.If you are looking for our disclosure, you can find it here -

Address :
3800 American Boulevard West # 1275
Minneapolis, MN 55431
Phone +1 952-657-7470

Sunday 16 April 2017

Minneapolis Retirement Advisor

Minneapolis Retirement Advisor

There are three things I believe you need to do to maintain happiness in retirement. After visiting with plenty of clients being in or near retirement, there are three things that always keep coming up repeatedly. The first thing is to keep busy. They say you'll want four different hobbies to maintain your happiness in retirement. If you're planning on going to retire and you will do nothing more than likely you will be unhappy inside retirement. Make sure you keep busy.
3 Retirement Tips
Number two is to stay in touch. Now, that sounds pretty easy to do, but visitors as you go along as you get older you may well lose touch with some friends. Some friends might pass apart, your family may not be around, they might live in numerous areas of the country, but it's very important to be in touch. That's another reason why if you stay in touch you can actually keep busier as well. That's why you need to ensure you keep in touch with people like your family, your friends as well as other loved ones.
Last but not least is your retirement revenue. Everybody is worried about running out of money in old age and I don't blame you. To have a written retirement income plan down will allow you to become more confident in retirement and also make you more content. If you have enough income sources to maintain your life-style in retirement, you will maintain your happiness in retirement.
In the event you cover all three of those things, make sure you retain busy, find at least four different hobbies before you can easily retire, number two stay in touch and number three ensure you have a written down retirement income plan that will sustain your lifestyle. Until then we'll see you next time.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Best Minneapolis Financial Planner | 5 Reasons Retirement Calculators Fail 

The third reason why they're not always the best or why it could fail is because of inflation. We have to make assumptions on inflation when we're using the retirement calculators, but some calculators don't even have inflation adjusted numbers. You have to be careful with inflation and make sure that if you are using a retirement calculator and it's going to tell you what your income is that point in time, keep in mind as you go along in retirement you might not have inflation adjusted numbers. You want to make sure that your social security, your retirement calculator's not too simple, and you want to make sure that inflation's added into it. To know more info contract with Best Minneapolis Financial Planner

Friday 7 April 2017

How to set up your YouTube Channel and Why Is It important

How to set up your youtube channel:

In this video, we're going to go over how to set up your YouTube channel and why it's important. 
I have my channel up right now. You can see there's a few things that I've done to it that I want you guys to go out there and do to your YouTube channels. Treat YouTube as an extension of your website. You want to brand it. You want to have links out to your website. You want to use it as an asset. A lot of companies set up their YouTube channel and they just don't use it like they need to. I want to show you how to set up a youtube channel , and then why it's important.
First thing you want to do is get your icons, get your branding, get your logos, get your value proposition. Don't just throw up any old image here. Here's the difference: you have this channel right here that's all set up, or you can take a look at this channel that is not. You'd be surprised how many big companies have their channels that just are not set up.
"How to set up your youtube channel "

How to set up your youtube channel:

First thing you want to do is hook up your website. Over here you can see I have a link to my website, I have a link to my social media. You'll want to do that. You can do that by just editing. There's a little icon that will pop up when you're logged in, and you can edit your links. Make sure you have your channel art up, have your value proposition there, and then also a link out. That's first things.
"How to set up your youtube channel"
Next thing you can do is jump over into your channel, and here you will find ... You have to go to video manager. Over on the left-hand side of your channel there's a bunch of options that you want to take advantage of. In your advanced, you can link up your AdWords account, then you can link up your associated website. On top of that, you have channel recommendations, subscriber account. There's branding, do that. Featured content, you'll want to fill all this out. Upload defaults, this can just save you time if you want to have the same hashtags or have the same social media links. Then status feature, there's a few things you'll want to do in here. That is how you set up correctly. 
Now remember, when you upload your videos ... Let's go to this one. Make sure you have a good title tag, make sure you have a good description, make sure you have the right keyword tags. When you upload a video, if you don't fill these things out and do it correctly, it's kind of a waste. You might as well take advantage of it. Something that came out in the last little bit are what's called these end screen annotations. You can set up an end screen, like if you just go over here and click and say, okay, I want another video to pop up. You can put create, let Google choose it, create element, and then you'll have an end screen popup. Got it? That's something you can do, and it works on mobile. Before, annotations only worked on desktop. Now they work on mobile. Take advantage of all that.
"How to set up your youtube channel "
Now let's recap. First thing you want to do is make sure your channel has ... I'm not going to save that right now. Make sure your channel has the icon, cover photos, all your links. When you upload a video, use the right title tag, description tags. On top of that, underneath your channel on video manager ... If you go to video manager, you have these options over here that you might as well take advantage of: the featured content, branding and advance. Got it?
If you have any questions, we're around. You can go check out our website,, or if you're looking for an animation video. I also provide a lot of other tutorial videos that are based off of video marketing. Got it?
Thanks for listening. Subscribe to our channel. Let us know what you would like if we're not shooting something that you're trying to find the answers to.