Saturday 20 May 2017

First Day in Federal Prison (for Prison Wives)|| Federal Prison Time ||Your first day in PRISON.

First Day in Federal Prison:

First Day in Federal Prison Still, imprisonment can be harder on those that love and support us, including our wives. For that reason, Ro Clausen and I proudly share a video that addresses how prison wives can both prepare for and thrive through that{ first day in federal prison.}
To view our private video, 10 Things You Have To Know If Your Husband Is Going To Prison, 

Also read Ro's awesome{ first day in prison} blog here:

Ro and I hope you find value in the video. for a free copy of Lessons From Prison. - 818-424-2220 

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Visit for our lesson plan on the first day in federal prison

Phone  : -  +1 818-424-2220

23679 Calabasas Rd, Suite 905

Calabasas, CA 91302 California


First Day in  Federal Prison

Thursday 11 May 2017

Life In Miami Federal Prison Camp

Life In Miami Federal Prison Camp:
Justin Paperny speaks with Michael Szafranski to learn about life at Miami Federal Prison Camp. 

Justin Paperny: Hi everyone. I'm Justin Paperny with White Collar Advice, and I'm pleased to welcome my friend and colleague Michael Szafranksi to the program. 

Hey bud.
Michael S.: Hey Justin.
Justin Paperny: Let's jump right in with your experience through Miami Federal Prison Camp. You wrote a guest blog on the White Collar Advice site. I'm going to put up a link to the blog, but in that blog, you said, "Miami is different than a lot of another federal prison camps."
Miami Federal Prison
What did you mean?
Michael S.: Well, Miami itself just outside of the world of prison sort of operates on its own set of rules. It's certainly South America within the United States. On top of that, when you get to the prison itself, you're a population that is less white collar than many of the other prison camps plus the fact that it's attached to a low security prison means a lot of inmates transition relatively early on from the low to the camp, so you have a population that's different, and as a result of that, you have different stringencies imposed on the inmates by staff.
Justin Paperny: Okay, so we'll get into those stringencies in a minute. Let's first talk about how you got to the federal prison camp in Miami. The majority of my clients, our clients, self surrender to prison, but on occasion, they're remanded to custody in part because of the case or the judge. Tell us how you actually got to the federal prison camp.
Miami Federal Prison
Michael S.: I ended up with a judge who does not believe in surrendering. He believes that you're going to get remanded at sentencing, so for my sentencing, I was actually transferred to the Federal Detention Center in downtown Miami where I remained for four weeks, and that's basically a medium security prison [inaudible 00:01:43].
Justin Paperny: Did they tell you how long it could take from being in that holding facility to actually getting to the camp, and did you know that Miami would be your ultimate destination?
Michael S.: They said it could take up to three months, but the judge did recommend that I be designated to Miami.
Justin Paperny: Some clients of mine who have endured time in transit, while it's been tough, once they ultimately get to the federal prison camp, find the experience in camp to be easier, because they have that alternative reality in transit. Did you find that to be the case when you got to the camp?
Miami Federal Prison
Michael S.: In retrospect, yeah. When I got to the camp, I had been already inside for four weeks. I hadn't seen any sunshine. I knew what real prison time was like. I was so thrilled to be actually outdoors to have certain freedoms that were taken from me that I think that my time inside may have been easier, because I didn't have to surrender directly to the camp, but I knew how much worse it could be, and then in the camp, I was appreciative of the privileges they give you as a prisoner in a camp versus what you can be subjected to in real prison so to speak.
Miami Federal Prison
Justin Paperny: Let's talk quickly about some of the things you surrendered with or you brought with you to the day of your sentencing and how bringing medical issues or prescriptions could impact your bunk or your job et cetera. Give us some advice for Miami Federal Prison Camp, some specifics that defendants should bring with them whether they're getting remanded at sentencing or they're going directly to the facility.
Michael S.: Well, if you're surrendering directly to Miami or maybe any facility, one of the hot commodities there is having a lower bunk, and those are generally reserved for people with medical issues, so if you have a back issue or a knee issue or anything that impairs your ability to climb up to a higher bunk, you need to bring that with you, because it's not that there's a ladder to climb up. You have to physically push yourself up with a locker and pull yourself up to the upper bunk.
Miami Federal Prison

Sunday 7 May 2017

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and Financial Advisor :
. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner here to talk to you about the differences between if you're working with an investment advisor, insurance agent, or a financial advisor. Now, the hard part with our industry is that most of us call ourselves, "Financial advisors," so how can you determine which one is better for you? How do you know when you're looking online, are you working with a financial advisor, or if you're working with an investment advisor, or a insurance agent? 
Minneapolis Investment Advisor:
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Some of the key differences here that you might find when you're speaking with someone as a financial advisor, is that they might only sell certain products, or they sell only certain investments. Now, if you're meeting with an insurance agent what you'll find is that the only product that they'll be offering you to help with your retirement, is either life insurance, long term care, or annuities. Now, that doesn't mean those are bad products, but in my opinion usually, they're kind of forced down into your retirement plan, instead of looking at how those things might be better for you. They're not really looking at should you have these things versus other investments like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, or exchange rate funds. They're saying the life insurance annuities, the long term care, the only thing that's for you, and you should stay away from the rest of them.
Minneapolis Investment Advisor
Minneapolis Investment Advisor

Minneapolis Investment Advisor :
Now, if you're meeting with an investment advisor, typically what we find is that you're only going to get the investment options available to you, such as stock, bonds, mutual funds, in exchange for your funds, and sometimes variable annuities. Now, what we know what that side is that those assets could be rather more ... Those investments could be more risky. That's where you want to be a little bit more careful when you're picking your financial advisor. Are they just going to offer you investment vehicles to keep you in the market, are they really going to protect you when it comes to your retirement planning, or are they going to put something together for you? 

Now in my opinion, what a financial advisor does is they put all those products out there for you, and based on your plan they will determine which one's to use for your own retirement plan. That's why I think it's important to find a financial advisor that will work with all products that are out there, and not have a bias toward one or another, because when it comes to your retirement plan, it's going to be different than any person that comes in that door, that you might visit with.

When it comes to trying to find a financial advisor, in my opinion anyone that's going to look at your goals, or needs, and desires first, is the right first step because your needs, your goals, and desires will help dictate what things to use within your plan. Once we have that plan available, a written retirement plan, and a written down income plan, and estate plan, then we can start putting the right tools into it. Whether it be life insurance, annuities, long term care. Or other types of investments like stocks, or bonds, mutual funds, exchange trader funds, or maybe real estate investment trust. All those things need to be put into the plan after you figure out what your needs, your goals, and desires are.
Determine for yourself are you working with an insurance agent, an investment advisor, or actually working with a financial advisor that can do all those things. Last but not least, as a certified financial planner, we can actually design retirement plans without having to get paid by the investments. If you want to make sure you're working with someone that has a fiduciary duty, that's going to look out for your interest before their own, sometimes working with someone that's just going to be working on a basis where they're going to put a plan together for you, instead of being incentivized by other products that are out there, provided by the mutual fund company, or provided by the insurance carrier, it might make more sense for you. One of the things you can do, is you can go to CFP.Net, which stands for, "Certified Financial Planner," and you can search all the different certified financial planners that are in your area. It will tell you how they're going to get paid if you decide to work with them. The other thing you could do is do a FINRA check, it's called FINRA, F-I-N-R-A, broker check. You can just type in, "Broker check," in Google, and it will pop up, and you can put that persons name in there. It will give you all the background information on them if they've had any disciplinary action.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and...

Minneapolis Investment Advisor | Investment Advisor| Insurance Agent and Financial Advisor

Hi. Vince Oldre, certified financial planner here to talk to you about the differences between if you're working with an investment advisor, insurance agent, or a financial advisor. Now, the hard part with our industry is that most of us call ourselves, "Financial advisors," so how can you determine which one is better for you? How do you know when you're looking online, are you working with a financial advisor, or if you're working with an investment advisor, or a insurance agent? 

Minneapolis Investment Advisor

Some of the key differences here that you might find when you're speaking with someone as a financial advisor, is that they might only sell certain products, or they sell only certain investments. Now, if you're meeting with an insurance agent what you'll find is that the only product that they'll be offering you to help with your retirement, is either life insurance, long term care, or annuities. Now, that doesn't mean those are bad products, but in my opinion usually, they're kind of forced down into your retirement plan, instead of looking at how those things might be better for you. They're not really looking at should you have these things versus other investments like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, or exchange rate funds. They're saying the life insurance annuities, the long term care, the only thing that's for you, and you should stay away from the rest of them.
Minneapolis Investment Advisor :

Now, if you're meeting with an investment advisor, typically what we find is that you're only going to get the investment options available to you, such as stock, bonds, mutual funds, in exchange for your funds, and sometimes variable annuities. Now, what we know what that side is that those assets could be rather more ... Those investments could be more risky. That's where you want to be a little bit more careful when you're picking your financial advisor. Are they just going to offer you investment vehicles to keep you in the market, are they really going to protect you when it comes to your retirement planning, or are they going to put something together for you? 

Now in my opinion, what a financial advisor does is they put all those products out there for you, and based on your plan they will determine which one's to use for your own retirement plan. That's why I think it's important to find a financial advisor that will work with all products that are out there, and not have a bias toward one or another, because when it comes to your retirement plan, it's going to be different than any person that comes in that door, that you might visit with.