Saturday 12 August 2017

Federal prison camp

Life at Pekin Federal Prison Camp (Thomson Prison Camp) :

Federal Prison Camp:

Federal prison camp

I'm proud to interview my friend and client Jim Vani, who thrived through a 42-month sentence at Pekin Federal Prison Camp. Learn how Jim navigated his sentence, nurtured his relationship, avoided problems and prepared for his successful release. - 818-424-2220
Visit to access our federal prison blogs

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23679 Calabasas Rd, Suite 905

Calabasas, CA 91302 California

Jim Vani is now working in Chicago as a successful entrepreneur. He is also helping prepare White Collar Advice clients who are pursuing the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). As you will hear in this video, Jim successfully completed RDAP and earned 18 months off his sentence.

Jim worked incredibly hard and he has earned all of the good things coming his way. Follow his lead: take action, prepare and thrive. I am grateful to have played a small role in his success.

To read Jim's prison blogs, simply visit:

If you would like to speak with me, please call or text 818-424-2220. If you would like to prepare for prison in privacy, download my free book, Lessons From Prison. Simply text LIBERTY to 44222.

I hope you find this video useful. Work hard and I wish you all well.

Justin Paperny
Author of Lessons From Prison & Ethics in Motion
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Hi everyone. I'm Jim. No, no. I'm not Jim. Sorry. Hi everyone. I'm Justin Paperny and I'm here with my client and very good friend, Jim [Vanney 00:00:10]. How are you, bud?
Jim Vanney: Good, and I'm Jim Vanney. How are you, everybody?
Justin Paperny: Yes, yes. Actually, this is the second go around of my video with Jim. Last time we couldn't do it because Jim was using, I think, a technology service from the 1970's, but Jim, we appear to be ready to, are we ready to go today?
Jim Vanney: I upgraded my internet connection here so I think we're a little smoother than last time.
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Excellent, excellent. So Jim and I have worked together for more than three years. He served his time at Pekin Federal Prison Camp. Before we get into Pekin, Jim and I were working with a client together who just got re-designated from Pekin to Thomson Federal Prison Camp in Illinois. So for those of you watching, there's a chance if you ask for Pekin you may get it or you can get redesignated. Isn't that correct, Jim?
Jim Vanney: That's right. The rumors are they're converting it over back into a women's facility so if that's the case then you will not be going to Pekin.
Justin Paperny: Keep that in mind for those of you requesting prison designations in Illinois. So Jim, before we get into Pekin, can you quickly tell the viewers how you found me and a little bit about why you chose to work with me?
Jim Vanney: Definitely can, Justin. Well, it all started off with being this ... In a total chaos. I was upside down, my life was going down a hill. I was lost. I didn't know where I was going. I went to trial. Spent over a week in trial. And after that happened I went looking for answers, of course through the almighty Google, and next thing you know I find prison consultant. Never heard of it before. I came across a few different companies. A couple didn't answer, a couple didn't call back. I had one individual that did call me back. He was really aggressive. It was more of we're gonna fight the system together and if you get thrown in the SHU I'll help you get out.
 It scared me more than anything. Then I found yourself, Justin. And the first phone call was uplifting, it was positive. It really fit myself and it fit what I wanted to do. I wanted to do something with this time and you were able to open that door for me and lead me in that direction. You give the plan and there was a guide to follow and that really helped a lot.
 Federal Prison Camp
Justin Paperny: Well, I'm happy to hear that. For those watching, Jim worked incredibly hard and we also spent some time together, which is pretty awesome even though I'm in Los Angeles and Jim is in Chicago. I was a keynote speaker at an Allstate conference in Chicago at their headquarters and Jim actually picked me up. We went to like a Dunkin' Donuts if I recall, and we prepared together for a couple of hours before I gave my keynote address at Allstate. That was a pretty cool experience.
Jim Vanney: That was great.
Justin Paperny: Okay, so let's jump right in. Tell us a little bit about Pekin and where is Pekin Federal Prison Camp?

 Federal Prison Camp

Thursday 29 June 2017

Do My Sentencing Preparations Really Matter? (federal prison camp)

Sentencing Preparations:


I want to do this video, in part, because I received a call this morning from a defendant in North Carolina, actually not far from Wake Forest University, where I've done some speaking in the past. This defendant called after watching a video I filmed last year called 10 Ways to Get More Time in Prison and in that video I talked about if you don't accept responsibility, or disclose your substance abuse, or if you continue to spend really aggressively, if you owe restitution, if you don't engage in volunteer work, if you don't work openly with your lawyer, so I identified 10 things that I think could lead to a longer term in prison. 

This defendant said to me, "Look I'm not doing a lot of these things that you talk about, but here's my concern. I'm not sure that it's going to work." He had said that to me after I suggested that he engage my colleague, Michael Santos, who does a lot of the narrative writing for my clients. I said, "What do you mean that it won't work?" He said, "Well, my concern is that I cultivate my network, that I get character reference letters, that I work with you and Michael on a narrative, that I save up to pay some restitution and so on, and that it doesn't work. And that the day that the judge sentences me, none of it means anything. And all of that work is for naught." 
So we have to embrace some realities. Here are some realities. You're only going to get sentenced once, so to a degree it's impossible to know exactly what could happen, because you're only going to get sentenced once. So I told this defendant and I tell all of you, it should be your goal that as you stand up before the judge, that you're able to tell yourself and your family, "There's nothing more I could have done to prepare for this moment, regardless of what the number might be," because I would never guarantee or insinuate that a specific outcome will happen by doing this work. I believe that better things will come from cultivating your network, from generating best in class character reference letters, through expressing through your own efforts why you're worthy of the best outcome. I believe volunteer work, in giving back to your community, shows that it's more than just about you and I believe and have done this long enough to know that those efforts have certainly helped a number of our clients, and frankly, people that aren't my clients who don't come across my work, some defendants really do these things. 
But again, I told him, and I told all of you, you can choose to do nothing because you're convinced that it won't matter and indeed there were a number of really great guys in prison who would say, "Justin, the judges don't read your letters, the judge's mind is made up, the day of sentencing I don't think he reads the sentencing memorandums, the letters. I don't think volunteer work matters. I think it's very much a formality." There are a number of people in prison who will say that to you. This defendant this morning was alluding to that. He was looking for me to tell him something that would give him a greater level of comfort. 
Sentencing Preparations 
Look, I've had clients say to me that I could be maybe more aggressive in expressing the benefits of preparing, that's just not really my style. I'm very causal, I offer advice, but I don't aggressively say, "Hire me, hire me, hire me." I just don't do that. So I said to him, "You have to use your judgment. You have to decide if creating this narrative, of expressing to the judge who you are, of articulating the lessons learned, of growing your network and asking them to write letters on your behalf is in your interest. If scaling back your lifestyle a bit, so your pre-sentence report shows that, you know, you are committed to paying back some restitution, if making a restitution payment could help you. I believe making a restitution payment can help you, there's so guarantee. I've gotten [peat 04 : 09 ] calls from people who have paid back nine million in restitution, they still get eight years in prison."
Sentencing Preparations
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